
Please also use the drop down menu under "LIBRARY" for more pages and links.

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The Hawaii Department of Education provides the opportunity to read ebooks using and/or the app named "Sora, by Overdrive".    

View video to learn how to login and use the site.

You will need your child's 10 digit student ID number to access the site.  

This 10-digit student ID number is located under your child's name on their report card.


Downloadable ebooks available through the "Kapunahala Library Catalog"

Our library contains downloadable ebooks.  When you search for books using our "Kapunahala Library Catalog,"  there may be a choice for "Downloadable" books.  

Each person is limited to 5 books at a time and will expire after 14 days.

Kapunahala ebook collection

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Library cards are free for Hawaii residents.  Don’t have a Hawaii State Public Library System library card? No problem! The Library System created a new online library card application process to allow our community to stay-at-home and still use our resources. The new library card application is now available online and provides access to library resources for 45 days. Before the 45 days expires, individuals must visit their nearest library to receive their permanent library card.

Free ebooks

Listed below are websites that are offering free ebooks at this time.  Many sites are offering free trials for ebooks.  However, many of them charge a subscription fee at the end of the trial.  Therefore, if you do not cancel the subscription before the end of the trial,  you will be charged.  This site is meant to provide you with free  supplemental sites that you can use to keep your child engaged in their learning.  Although I have searched and reviewed the sites listed on this webpage,  I recommend that there is adult supervision and guidance for students as they navigate and visit these sites.  I will periodically update this site as I find more resources.

Free eBooks