Please also use the drop down menu under "LIBRARY" for more pages and links.
View video to learn how to login and use the site.
You will need your child's 10 digit student ID number to access the site.
This 10-digit student ID number is located under your child's name on their report card.
Our library contains downloadable ebooks. When you search for books using our "Kapunahala Library Catalog," there may be a choice for "Downloadable" books.
Select "Kapunahala Library Catalog"
Conduct a search for the book(s) you are looking for.
If the book is physically in the library, the result will be "Available".
If the result is downloadable, click on the "Downloadable" button. The following will happen:
You will be asked for your 10-digit student id number (which can be found on your report card.)
After logging in, you then click on "Borrow" an ebook.
In the next window that appears, click on "Go to Checkouts"
You will then choose one way to download the ebook via "Read now with Kindle", "Download ePUB with ebook", or "Read in Your Browser."
The book will then download and be ready to read!
If you would like to find another book, you must close the page you are on by clicking "x" on the top tab of your browser labeled: "Hawaii Department of Education". It will then take you back to the "Kapunahala Library Catalog."
You can then search for another book.
Each person is limited to 5 books at a time and will expire after 14 days.
Audiobooks are also available for download.